Anthropological Museum

Anthropological Museum is an epitome of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands culture as it showcases several important things and documents dating back to the time of the original inhabitants of the Islands, prior to the British invasion. It has several things preserved within it that are a proof of the existence and life of the different tribes who inhabited the different Islands largely. The variety of things depicted in the museum bear testimony to the lifestyle, culture and daily utilities used by the Tribes during the early days.

Anthropological Museum is an ethnographic museum that illustrates the four Negrito Tribes of Andamans. These tribes are Sentinesle, Jarawas, Great Andamanese and the Onges and two Mongloid tribes of the Nicobar including Shompens and Nicobarese. The museum has on display various articles like handicrafts, tools, arts and crafts, implements, photographs and clothing that date back to the era of prominence of these native tribes. It goes on to display models of clay and hay to better describe the houses, utensils, ornaments and equipment used by them. The major exhibits of this museum are an ancient Jarawa Chest Guard, Shamanic Sculptures created by Nicobarese, a skull discovered from Sentinelese and much more.

This museum remains functional on all days except on Mondays and Govt. Holidays.